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Reolink Camera Streams

How to access the stream URLs in Home-Assistant and other apps


I installed some Reolink cameras around my house for various uses. Whilst their app is actually quite good, I want to keep things local-only and therefore set them up to not talk to the internet through VLAN settings on my UniFi Dream Machine Pro.

This means I need an alternate way to view the the video streams, and also make these available to other apps, like Home-Assistant.

It took some Googling to find the information on how to do this, hence I am documenting it here.

Stream URLs

Low Quality Stream

rtsp://admin:<password>@<IP Address>/h264Preview_01_sub

High Quality Stream

rtsp://admin:<password>@<IP Address>/h264Preview_01_main

For convenience, you can save these strings as .asf files and then drag them into VLC to test.


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