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Lullaby & White Noise Player

Building a Home-Assistant controlled lullaby & white noise machine for my daughter.

The doner bluetooth speaker

Lullaby & White Noise Player


Before our daughter was born, I was already thinking of all kinds of ways I could use home automation, and spefifically Home Assistant to help us with her daily routines. One of the things I wanted to do was have a way of controlling audio in her room for things like bedtime stories, lullabies and white noise etc.


To be able to say, “Hey Siri, Isabella’s bedtime,” to trigger a sequence of lullabies followed by a nights worth of white noise.

I first attempted this using the Alexa Media Player components in Home Assistant, but found that there were just too many things that didn’t work quite the way I wanted. Plus, being an iOS-first household, it made sense for it to be integrated with HomeKit and Siri.

I therefore decided to build my own solution. I decided to go with a Raspberry Pi and the Volumio software as I had used it before.

For the speaker itself, I had an old, cheap (£10!) Bluetooth hanging around that died. The speakers themselves were fine, just the battery and audio board were both dead. I removed both of them and the buttons and ports from the case as they weren’t needed anymore. I sealed up the insides of these holes with some tape and then filled in the gaps with some modelling filler (‘Revell Plasto Body Putty’ I think?) that I had lying around. I sanded this down roughly and then gave the whole thing a quick spray with black spraypaint. I could have put an actual USB-C/micro-USB port on the side of the case, but I would need to unplug it so infrequently, that I decided to opt to just drill a hole in the side of the case for a micro-USB cable to go through to connect directly to the Raspberry Pi.

The internals





Raspberry Pi

I flashed Volumio to the microSD card and set it up, connecting it to our WiFi network and configuring the Pimoroni pHAT DAC in Volumio.

I mounted the Raspberry Pi over the network via SMB, and copied some lullabies and white noise loops to it. I then set them up in a playlist in Volumio.

I looked through the Volumio API documentation and found out how to trigger Volumio to start playing a specific playlist via a CURL command:

curl -X GET ''

(Replace with the IP address if your Volumio instance and playlistName with the name of the playlist you want to play.)


Here’s how the command line switch entity is setup inside Home Assistant:

platform: command_line
    friendly_name: Lullaby Bedtime Routine
    command_on: !secret lullaby_on
    command_off: !secret lullaby_off
    command_state: !secret lullaby_status
    value_template: "{{ value_json.status == 'play' }}"

The secrets in this switch entity refer to the following CURL commands to the Volumio API. These are laid out in secrets.yaml:

# Lullay Bedtime Routine
lullaby_status: "curl -X GET ''"
lullaby_on: "curl -X GET ''"
lullaby_off: "curl -X GET ''"
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